Thursday, July 21, 2011

Cards, shirts, and other news

Well, it's been a little while since I've posted anything.  I have written a couple posts, but not finished them and so I never posted them.  Oh well...

So the first news is, we got a puppy!  He's a black lab (which wasn't our intention, but we just fell in love h him) and he's mostly blind.  We didn't know that when we got him, but we love him anyway.  He's clumsy, adorable, and obnoxious. Here's a super cute video that my sister took of him yesterday over at her house. And below are some pictures:
This was the night we got him.  He loves to cuddle up next to us.

This is a pretty recent one.   He's getting so big!!!

Speaking of yesterday at her house, I went over there to make cards to send to Greg's grandmothers, and they turned out so cute! Let's see if I can get them into the post...
This was the first one I did.  I used puffy paint to make some of it stand out a bit more. I loved it!

Then I made this one.  It might be my favorite... The colors (which the picture doesn't do justice to) were perfect.  There's another flower on the inside that's yellow with a pink middle, to liven it up a little.

This one looks a million times better when it's not a picture, the colorful paint just doesn't show up against the paper in a picture.  And the paper is sparkly and textured which makes it even more awesome...

My next card project is to make them for my grandmas...

In other news, the last Harry Potter movie came out last week.  It was so good, definitely the best movie so far, but I'm so sad that it's over =(  I've had either a Harry Potter book or movie to look forward for as long as I can remember!  It's so strange that there's not another one coming.  Me, Greg, Jereme, Aubree, and Colin went to the midnight showing and I decided that we needed shirts.  So we went to Michael's, got $2 t-shirts, and went to walmart and got fabric paints and we got to work.  Or more, I got to work.  Everyone designed their own, but I painted them all and they turned out AWESOME!!!  Here's a glimpse and I promise more (and better) will come soon:
This is the back of mine.  I chose the quote from the second movie by Ron, "Follow the spiders?  Why couldn't it be follow the butterflies?"  

This is the back of Aubree's.  She chose the quote about Hermoine, "When in doubt, go to the library!"  

I put the deathly hallows symbol on all of the shirts somewhere, Aubree's is on the sleeve.  I can't wait to get the other pictures up!

This post is all out of order, but in June we had the opportunity to go to Colorado for Greg's older brother's wedding.  We had a lot of fun and it was so good to see his family!  We don't have a camera so we don't have many pictures from the trip unfortunately.  However, the last day that I was there we went on a drive up Pike's Peak, the top is at 14,000 ft I think, it was really high, whatever it was.  The view was gorgeous and we just had to have a picture, even though it could never do it justice, especially since we took the picture on my phone.  But here we go anyway:

And I am looking just gorgeous so don't look to closely...

Also, Greg got his Associate's degree at the end of last semester, which is just awesome!  He starts an aviation mechanic program next month and he can't wait.  It's an 18-month program so we are anxiously looking forward to him being finished with that.  Then we're moving on to wherever his bachelor's program takes us.

Well, I think that's all for now.  I'm really trying to keep this better updated, and I'll probably be stealing another of Kayla's ideas (with a little flair of my own, of course), so watch for it soon...

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